A fake submission is a post that is obviously not a Real Amateur or stolen and posted under a fake story.
Watchersweb does not tolerate fake submissions and we ask everyone to report them to us via email, so we can investigate and remove them.
Please remember- many submitters post on other sites and this does not make it a fake. We have many submitter who post on other sites, with the same pictures, or have photos stolen and re posted to many torrents and appear again.
Our Job is to confirm that the Submitter is in fact the owner of the pictures and the subject is who they say they are. If they can not establish both those facts after a submission is reported or suspected as a fake, we will remove it within 24 hours.
We will contact the submitter to confirm their ID.
Please also be aware that all prize winners must send our admin office a picture of themselves holding a handwritten sign before we process a prize claim, so there is no chance of fakes receiving prizes.
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